Friday, November 8, 2013

Breaking with burlap

Last Saturday I helped a friend host a baby blessing.  One of my duties was to bring flowers and to make favors. I ended up making "vases" using empty food jars, burlap, lace and ribbon. I also came up with the idea of making burlap satchels stuffed with teabags as the favor. I squeezed in this crafting time during bébé's nap time or during her bedtime. Thus all my break time the week before the baby blessing I spent working with burlap.

Voilà the fruit of my breaking with burlap time:

The food table:

The drink table:
The hostess made a cute banner using felt with the baby's name on it which you can see in the background.

I love how she used quilted mason jars as the drink cups. It gives me an idea of using (DIY decorated) jars as drinking cups for future parties. 

Here is an example of one (of the better) favors that I made:
It was my first time sewing with burlap and lace so some of the favors definitely did not turn out as well.

Overall I enjoyed working with burlap (though my sewing machine did jam up a couple of times until I figured out how to appropriately adjust the stitch length and thread tension). I think I am going to use the leftover burlap and lace to sew a little pouch in which I can keep some items that always get lost in my abyss of a purse.